About Membership
Completion of Application Form
You will need to complete the application form. The cost to join is $40. Please fill it out completely and put in the RED Auxiliary Box with payment, along with proof of eligibility.
Proof of Eligibility
Grandmothers, mothers, sisters, spouses, and direct or adopted female descendants of
-members of the American Legion
-any man or woman who served in
WWI, Merchant Marines, Vietnam, Panama, WWII, Korea, Lebanon/Grenada, Gulf War, War on Terrorism. If you need a copy of DD-214 Release Papers, go to www.archives.gov
Membership Pending Approval of Application
The general Membership Auxiliary meetings are once a month, the second Thursday of the month. You must be voted in before attending these meetings.
Membership Card
After you are voted in, you will be given your current Membership card. Cards are distributed yearly, after the dues are paid. Your Membership card will show the Membership Year and will have your ALA ID number, which will never change. It will be signed by the current Membership Chair, usually the 1st Vice.
Membership Dues / Renewals
Membership is renewed yearly (calendar year January to December). The yearly dues are currently $35. Every year, you must renew your membership by paying your dues.
Ohio headquarters will mail you a renewal form. It should contain the address of the current 1st Vice Membership Chair to where you would mail a check, payable to American Legion Aux 598. Please note that even if you already renewed your membership with the Post, Ohio headquarters will still mail you this form.
Our Post also has the Aux RED BOX. Many members choose to renew their membership by putting a check or cash into the Aux RED BOX. The Membership Chair monitors this weekly, and is secure.
Members can also renew with a credit card on-line through Ohio headquarters. The Ohio headquarters website is www.alaohio.org. You will need your ID number, and they accept all major credit cards.